Committed to the work of the Catholic Church through the ministry of education


Our Mission

The mission of St. Elizabeth School is to promote a Catholic Christian family devoted to spiritual growth and academic excellence in a caring and safe environment.

Our Beliefs

We believe that each child is a unique and important individual and we will attempt to provide for the needs of each child. We believe parents are the primary educators of their children. We have developed spiritual, intellectual, social, emotional and physical goals and objectives for our students and ourselves. We ask for your assistance in helping us to reach these goals and objectives.


Our Vision

The vision of St. Elizabeth School is to inspire and to cultivate the spirit, mind, and body of the next generation of Catholic leaders to live out the Gospel values of Jesus Christ and to become beacons of light to the world. United in our diversity, we exemplify academic excellence, spiritual growth, and community spirit at all levels. St. Elizabeth School strives for all students to reach their full potential and aspire to be life-long, Christian learners committed to the truths of the Gospel.

Our Philosophy

We, the principal and faculty, strive to instill in each child the basic Christian and human values. We aim to create an atmosphere of positive concern relating to God, to self, and to others.

We believe in a well-balanced program to meet the needs of all students, with a staff that keeps abreast of the times and seeks to identify the level of the child’s needs.

We strive to teach the whole person, considering the child’s capabilities and life experiences. We try to provide an education that will form this unique individual into a caring, knowing, productive, serving child of God.

We are committed, along with each family, to promote emphasis on spiritual development while guiding the moral development, aiding the emotional development, challenging the social development, stimulating the intellectual development and fostering physical development. We are further committed to fostering an attitude of respect for authority, recognizing our parents’ role as first and primary teacher of our students.

We hope to educate youngsters in good Christian living, founded on principles of trust, sharing, tolerance, love and knowledge. We want to foster patriotism by teaching the statutes of democracy, as well as responsible citizenship.

The greatest accomplishment we can achieve is to help each student develop those talents given to him/her by God. We intend to instill in each one a deep-rooted concern for eternal values which will lead all to everlasting rewards.